Drop Off Pick Up Reminders

Parents, we need your help!! We have quite a few folks who simply are not following procedures in morning drop off and we are afraid someone is going to get hurt. We've had several near misses in the morning, so we want to remind you of the procedures. Following them will help the car line flow quickly and efficiently!! 

  1. We do NOT have walk up!! Please DO NOT park your car or pull into the parking lot and have your child walk across the carline to the building. This is completely unsafe! The only acceptable exit from the car to the building is through the car line.
  2. Pull all the way forward to the end of the awning!! Students will make it into the building safely! We will make sure of it! Please pull all the way forward and do not stop close to the door. This adds extra time to the carline behind you. Pulling up allows several more kids behind you to exit their cars. 
  3. Do NOT pull around cars in front of you!! This has caused near accidents three different times. Parents are watching their kids enter the building and begin pulling forward while another car is trying to pull in front of them. This is a recipe for an accident. 
  4. Just be patient!!  We know no one wants to wait in line. We know everyone is in a hurry. We know kids are ready to get out of the car. But the truth is, if everyone just follows these procedures, the line will run so smoothly!! We've seen it work!! 

Please, parents, follow these procedures. We do not have enough staff members to keep adding people to our duty rosters in the morning, and the truth is, we shouldn't have to do that in order to have an effective process. By following the procedures, everyone will get through the line within a very few minutes and you can be on your way. We appreciate your help and if you have any questions, please contact our office. Thank you!!