
It was another GREAT week at WI!! Here's what you need to know!

  • Work Days for the Spartan Nature Center are beginning again!! Dr. Stick has a work day planned for Saturday, December 17th. Anyone interested in helping should meet at the school at 8:00 am. From there, they will go to nearby land to  cut trees and load the stumps. Dr. Stick said we need chainsaws and muscles that day!
  • This coming Thursday, December 15th is Ugly Sweater Day! Students and staff should don their ugliest Christmas themed sweater!
  • Friday, December 16th is Jingle Bell Jam!! The PTO still needs volunteers, and you can sign up HERE. There will be dancing, face painting, Bingo, and more! Hot Chocolate and cookies will be available for the kids. Parents are welcome but please no siblings.
  • The schedule for Jingle Bell Jam is: Fourth Grade - 8:30 to 9:15; Sixth Grade - 9:30 - 10:15; and Fifth Grade - 10:30 - 11:15. (Please note that sixth graders go before fifth grade because of our lunch schedule.) 

We hope you will join us for these wonderful activities. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out. Have a wonderful weekend!