Color Run

It's Color Run time! It's one of our favorite days of the year, and this year's is going to be bigger and better for our kids! There will be field day games, inflatables, and concessions, and hopefully the Fire Dept. will be here to cool the kids down too! It's a day where parents can come hang out with their WI kids, so you will want to mark your calendar for April 19th! It's also our best fundraiser, so we hope the kiddos will participate in that part as well!

Color Run Sponsorship Forms went home with the kids last Thursday. If your child's copy didn't make it home, no worries, you can get a copy HERE. Just as they did in the past with jog-a-thons and the like, for the Color Run, they are just getting sponsorships from family and friends. Once they hit $45 in sponsorships, they will receive a t-shirt, sunglasses, and a string backpack for the day of the run! The student who collects the most sponsorships will get to have a special lunch with Dr. Shaw, Mrs. Lawson and five of their friends. They can collect cash or checks (made out to West Intermediate), or they can share the link for those who would like to donate electronically. That link is HERE. All donations and money are due April 10th.

We also need volunteers! The schedule is TBA, but we will have slots that will allow you to volunteer at times other than when your child is participating if you'd like! A Sign Up Genius link will be sent out soon!! 

We welcome parents to join us, but please leave siblings and fur babies at home. It's such a fun day to spend time with your WI kiddo! More information will be coming soon!