District-Wide Apple Technology Initiative Unveiled for Bixby Public Schools

Spartan Families, 

Now that we have delivered this amazing news to staff across our campuses, we are excited to share with you the details of this groundbreaking initiative that will shape the future of education within our district!

How it Started

The planning for our new high school academic building prompted a need for teachers to have increased mobility as it relates to their devices. After much due diligence by our Technology, EdTech, and Teaching & Learning teams as they researched and tested available options, we have made the decision to embark on a transformative journey with the introduction of  our Apple technology initiative. We plan to scale this district-wide to ensure equitable technology access at all sites, and increased efficiency for our technology teams.

Why Apple?

iPads very clearly emerged as the ideal choice to enhance learning experiences for our students and teachers. Their versatility and creative potential surpass that of Chromebooks, providing a wide array of multimedia creation tools, seamless integration with educational apps and user friendly functionality with classroom TVs. Empowering both students and teachers to explore new dimensions of learning, fostering engagement and personalized instruction tailored to individual needs is at the heart of this initiative.

When considering the cost of iPads is virtually (see what we did there?) the same as Chromebooks, Apple products represent a superior investment of our limited technology funds. Additionally, Apple offers a cost-effective "resell and replace" plan, ensuring regular replacement of aging devices.

Timeline & Implementation

  • Phase One - Spring 2024:

    • Teachers in grades 9-12 will receive a MacBook and an iPad.

    • For teachers, this will be paired with a new docking station at their desk which will provide full keyboard, mouse, and monitor functionality using our existing technology equipment.

  • Phase Two - Fall 2024:

    • Teachers in grades PK-8 will receive iPads. 

    • Students in grades 9-12 will begin the 24-25 school year with iPads. 

    • These iPads will be equipped with a protective case including full keyboard and trackpad mouse functionality AND previously purchased Chromebook Insurance will be transferred over to student iPads.

    • The district will repurpose well-functioning Chromebooks for use in grades PK-8, ensuring optimal resource utilization across these grade levels as they await their iPads.

  • Subsequent Phases - 2024-2027:

    • Extended integration of Macbooks to teachers in grades PK-8.

    • Gradual transition of students in grades PK-8 from Chromebooks to iPads. 

What does this mean for our teachers and students?

We believe that this initiative not only enhances teaching and learning but also presents a unique opportunity for teacher recruitment, positioning our district as a leader in educational technology within the region. We plan to become the first Apple District in the area by 2027!

This rollout will be paired with a much-needed and major improvement to the wifi infrastructure district-wide, providing a 10x increase in speed. These improvements will take place over the summer of 2024.

It is important to note that while we are embracing much new technology, there will be no changes to current platforms such as PowerSchool, Google Classroom, Canvas, and GSuite, ensuring continuity and familiarity for students and educators alike.

As we embark on this transformative journey, we remain committed to providing our students with the resources and opportunities needed to thrive in an ever-evolving global landscape. Thank you for your continued support as we build an extraordinary future together at Bixby Public Schools.


Supt. Miller