Reading Sufficiency Act

Legislation involving the Reading Sufficiency Act was revised in 2019. The law includes provisions for retention of third grade students who are not reading on grade level as assessed by the Third Grade Oklahoma State Testing Program assessment.  The law provides for multiple pathways for promotion, which include Good Cause exemptions, student proficiency on the RSA screener (Amira), student proficiency on the reading portion of the OSTP English Language Arts assessment, and promotion by the Student Reading Proficiency Team.  Please contact Elementary site principals for more information.  More information for parents is available on the Oklahoma State Department RSA Family Guide.


Amira is the approved State Department of Education screener used for RSA and for district reading benchmarks K-3. 
The benchmark assessments are given in the Fall, Winter, and Spring.   Students may also be progress monitored as needed to ensure that the student is making progress towards his/her reading and math goals.

The following benchmark assessments are utilized with students:
K-3 Reading: Amira
K-3 Math: IXL
4-8 Math and Reading: IXL